Apéro Gourmand at the independent winegrower of Alsace - Clément WeckA tasty wine and food pairing experience...
The Vignerons Indépendants open the doors of their estate to the new generation, but also to all those who want to learn about Alsace wines. An evening to exchange, taste food and wine pairings and discover the profession of independent winegrower. The objective is to introduce the wines through the dishes that each winegrower will have chosen in perfect harmony with his vintages.
The objective of the Vignerons Indépendants d'Alsace is to make the young generations of consumers discover their world. Wine, more than a tradition in Alsace, is part of our way of life and our culture.
Liesel's advice
Live a tasty experience around surprising food and wine pairings to discover Alsatian wines and their palette of aromas. -
Practical information
from 18.30 pmOrganisé par Bruno HertzDeparture
Domaine Bruno HertzEvent type
Tasting of local products -
Nearest train station: Colmar - 8 KmAccess
By bus -
25 € per person in pre-sale (up to 7 days before) - Full price: 28 €.Reservation/Bookings:
Booking necessary Direct by the Winegrower.