Orchard and Biodiversity DaysThe Linthal Valley Association will organize the 1st "Orchard and Biodiversity Days" at the Dorfhüs in Linthal.
On the program:
field visits in partnership with the arboriculturists, demonstrations, readings under the trees with local authors, creative literary and graphic workshops, "apple pie" contest, film-debate, association stands (arboriculturists, beekeepers, Alsace Nature, LPO, GERPLAN commission of the CCRG, PNRBV...), producers' stands, participation of the valley's schools...
Liesel's advice
Come and visit, watch demonstrations and readings during this orchard and biodiversity day. A rejuvenating day, not to be missed. -
Practical information
Samedi 1er octobre de 10 h à 12 h et de 14 h à 19 h Dimanche 2 octobre en continu de 9 h à 18 hDeparture
Dorfhüs de LinthalKind of hike
Nature outing -
renseignement auprès de l'association du Val de Linthal : 03 89 76 31 48 / val-linthal@orange.fr