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Concert: Le Bal Surprise

  • Concert: Le Bal Surprise

    Head for the GRRRANIT - Scène nationale de Belfort for the second edition of the ball, which promises to be even more truculent, with a schedule adapted to the tea dance. Join us on the dance floor to relive our youth with cha cha cha, rock, waltz, musette, techno, R'n'B and slows. At the helm, Tante Françoise orchestrates the evening with surprises: cabaret numbers, choreography, musical performances and lots more. Who says we don't know how to have fun anymore?

    Bar and snacks on site.

    Excursion price: €18 (bus included)
    Bus departs at 4pm - returns at 10pm.

  • 05/11/2025

  • Practical information

    Event type

  • Location


    Nearest train station: Bollwiller
  • Tariff


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